What are Success and Failure?

  Success and failure are much more than winning or losing.

 Success is not measured by what you accomplish, but by the opposition you have encountered, and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds.
                                                                                           ORISON SWETT MARDEN

                             Success means different things to different people. Success for a student means passing the exam with flying colors, and not letting lack of resources come in the way;  for the salesperson means  chasing his dreams with the greater good of his customers in mind: for the ill means getting well using will power along with medical treatment,

Success for a woman means empowering herself and doing better than her male counterparts; for an alcoholic means using his will power to say no to alcohol; for a criminal means undergoing self transformation and becoming a responsible citizen; for a professional means doing his duty and a little more.

Success for a citizen means doing well for the society without bothering for personal comforts; for a businessman means making profits by following ethics; for a sports person means putting in his best to win against all odds. Success also means having compassion for animals and taking care of them; having the courage to save a precious life, and preserving the environment.

Success does not mean acquiring more money and material things through dubious means; it does not mean suppressing the weak; it does not mean practicing the opposite of what you preach. Success does not mean winning a legal battle on false evidences;

Failure is failing personally, not professionally; yielding to cowardice; not doing something for fear of imperfection; promoting fear and demoting faith. Failure is also quitting when the going gets tough; not having the courage to admit your fault and putting the blame on others; not putting in your best in your assigned work; shirking responsibility. Failure is ignoring the voice of conscience; doing something wrong when no one is watching. Occupying a position which you don’t deserve is also a failure. Failures are of two kinds” those who thought and never did; those who did and never thought!”

Success is being able to look at yourself in the mirror and be proud of the person you have become! You did the best you could by believing in yourself and having faith in God. Success has nothing to do with money. Success is a journey going through good times and bad, pleasure and pain, ups and downs.

Success is never ending, failure is never final


4 thoughts on “What are Success and Failure?”

  1. ayushi banzal said:

    so true….
    success cums only aftr a big faliure

  2. I would agree with this. Some do see success reflected in money and “things”, but I don’t. Success is a journey often paved with many failures (makes the success even more special!)

  3. dimple j shah said:

    When there is failer , it means sucess is waiting for you


    Have I done what would have been done best under the circumstances, is success.

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